Google Robo-Airplane
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        “Fly really fast!” a boy said aloud. The airplane flew really fast. “Turn to the left!” another boy said aloud. The airplane turned to the left. “Fly near the mountains!” another boy said aloud and it did. “fly close to the sea below!” another boy said aloud.  The airplane flew near the sea.............…. From thirty feet above the ground, the children descended the escalator to the ground. Afterwards, the escalator folded back up and neatly hid on the bottom of the passenger airplane, outside. The children looked up and uttered together, “Thanks for the ride Robo-Airplane!” The robot with a head, two arms, and two legs and with a passenger plane attached on its back smiled and replied, “We’ll see each other again.” He then flew upwards and headed to get his next passengers. He continued fetching children the whole